Cancer Constellation When Can I See You Again

Cancer Constellation: Facts About the Crab

Cancer, which is Latin for crab, is the dimmest of the 13 constellations of the Zodiac, having only two stars to a higher place the fourth magnitude.

The pocket-sized faint constellation Cancer is rich in open up clusters and double stars. (Paradigm credit: Starry Night Software)

Locating Cancer the Crab

Cancer lies between Leo, the lion, and Gemini, the twins. Information technology is about incommunicable to see Cancer as a crab with the naked eye or even binoculars. It looks more like a faint, upside-down Y.

Cancer is visible in the Northern Hemisphere in the early jump. It can exist seen in the Southern Hemisphere during autumn. The Cancer constellation occupies an area of 506 square degrees.

  • Correct ascension: 9 hours
  • Declination: twenty degrees
  • Best seen between latitudes 90 degrees and minus 60degrees
  • Visibility is best during March at 9 p.m.

Cancer contains two Messier objects, a set up of astronomical objects commencement in 1771 by French astronomer Charles Messier in 1771. Cancer's most famous Messier object is M44, besides known as the Beehive Cluster, which is a small star cluster that resembles a swarm of bees. M44 contains about fifty stars, the brightest of which are of the sixth magnitude. ε Cnc is the brightest member at magnitude 6.3. Praesepe is besides one of the larger visible open up clusters with an area of 1.5 foursquare degrees, or three times the size of the full moon.

The constellation's other Messier object, M67, is another open star cluster.

β Cnc is the brightest star in Cancer at magnitude 3.five. It is an orange-hued behemothic star virtually 290 lite-years from Globe.

The star α Cnc (Acubens), which ways "the claw," is a double star with a master of magnitude 4.3, 173 light-years from World.

Other notable stars include the γ Cnc (Asellus Borealis), the "northern ass," a white-hued star (158 light-years), and δ Cnc (Asellus Australis), "southern donkey," an orange-hued behemothic star (136 light-years).


Perhaps the about famous exoplanet in the constellation is 55 Cancri eastward, a super-World that was (for a time) identified equally a "diamond earth." The original observations in 2010 suggested that the host star had more carbon than oxygen in its interior. A subsequent 2012 report then modeled 55 Cancri e's mass and radius, based on the composition of its planet star, and suggested this planet had a graphite surface overlying a massive layer of diamond underneath.

Notwithstanding, a follow-up study in 2013 suggested that there is far less carbon in the planet than originally envisioned — and then "diamond" may be a misnomer. The host star of the planet only has about 25 percent more oxygen than carbon, that enquiry team suggested. (This came from a different interpretation of the chemical composition of the star every bit expressed in the star'south spectrum.)

Meanwhile, the Spitzer Infinite Telescope was used to monitor the heat emissions from 55 Cancri east. Early 2013 results suggested that the planet could be very warm and wet, while 2016 follow-ups revealed that the planet is scorching hot and could be oozing lava.

Results released from Spitzer in 2016 showed that daytime temperatures on 55 Cancri due east can reach every bit high every bit four,000 degrees Fahrenheit (two,427 degrees Celsius) and near half as much at night — 2,025 F (1,107 C.) The nature of the surface is even so unclear, but researchers did see a hotspot near midway between the day and night sides that is still poorly explained.


The constellation of Cancer represents the giant crab that attacked Hercules during the second of the 12 labors he performed as penance for killing his family. Information technology was sent by the jealous goddess Hera to thwart Hercules equally he battled the h2o snake Hydra, merely he killed it with his club.

In star divination, which is non a science, Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and represents those born between June 20 and July 22. Information technology is considered a water sign and is one of the iv cardinal signs, which are signs that betoken a change of flavor when the sun makes its annual passage into them.

Additional reporting by Elizabeth Howell, Contributor.


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Kim Ann Zimmermann is a correspondent to She holds a bachelor's degree in communications from Glassboro State Higher.


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